On 21st February 2025, The Imperium assembled in full force to defend the BRAVE Fortizar in ZXB-VC as its armor timer approached. The battle was expected to be intense, and Imperium came prepared, deploying:
- 1x Nightmare Fleet
- 1x Raven Navy Issue Fleet
- 2x Rokh Fleets
- 1x Ferox Navy Issue Fleet
- 1x Flycatcher Fleet
- And some additional small stuff.
In total, almost 1,800 ships took the grid, with over 100 mobile bubbles surrounding the Y-2ANO gate. They waited as the armor timer counted down, ready for action. However, 20 minutes before the timer ended, no sign of INIT. Despite more than 1,200 characters being online in their home system, it became unclear if they could muster enough force to face the mighty Imperium.
Then, an intel report came through—Dark Shines, CEO of The Initiative, wasn’t willing to risk the capitals by taking them through the gate and engaging in a fight. So, what now?
In response, Goonswarm Federation (GSF) decided to take action against some POS Towers INIT had previously deployed in support of their capitals. The towers were quickly reinforced and destroyed. Desperate for a response, INIT scrambled to send two smaller fleets of bombers in a last-ditch attempt to get some kills—but, as expected, they were caught in our HIC bubbles and unable to warp. GSF deployed defensive missiles, and the bomber fleet was wiped out within minutes.
So, the question remains—why the hesitation from INIT? They deployed POS Towers across the system, indicating they had planned for this moment, only to back down at the critical moment. Why the rage pings, why the preparation, and then the sudden call to stand down? Was this an unfortunate case of “blue-balling” their own members, or was it a smart decision in the face of overwhelming odds?
For those who stuck around to defend or participate in this engagement, Imperium showed its overwhelming might and solidified its reputation as the most powerful force in New Eden.
Do you think The Initiative should have taken the fight for the sake of providing content for their members, or do you agree with Dark Shines’ decision to call it off?
Regardless, kudos to The Imperium for their incredible numbers and showing that they are still the dominant force on the battlefield.
Until next time, The Imperium Newsletter Team
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